Rico was always going to get the job so there was no point in people getting excited over anyone else...it just seems so precise though, without even having a shortlist without even having any interviews without even having any nouse whatsoever.
Times like these require cool heads and thoughts, at the moment the fans reaction has been one of apathy and contempt for the current board. Hopefully this will not spill onto the pitch and we get right behind the lads this afternoon it's a tall order and to be honest we are 99.9% relegated but we ask for the Supporters to remain calm and to see what happens. A lot of anger is aimed towards the board and quite rightly so, but I can't understand the frustration at Lee Richardson, at the minute it's not his fault we are where we are this has been coming for sometime now but we ask everyone to keep the faith and those that wish to come support the team those that choose to stay at home then stay at home.
As for Barrie's statement on season tickets for next year, they are bound to be down and that is something which is happening all over football but it's something which we can do something about by dropping prices...to be honest I don't know why I'm commenting on this as it's never going to happen at best you'll get a price freeze but at £15 it's no longer a working mans leisure time anymore and more of a playboy's plaything. People will continue to pick and choose their games..oh for a season like 2000-2001 without the controversy.