Maximo Park Waffle

Last updated : 13 December 2007 By Paul Fisher
The FA have decided to charge us and Rotherham with the "mass" punch up that happened last wednesday night. Well of all the people that should have been spoken to was Danny Harrison for the tackle, then Pablo Mills for going straight in on a poleaxed Leven and Steve Fletcher for trying to kung fu a Rotherham player. Typical FA making something out of nothing though.

Won't be at the Accrington match on Saturday I'll be in Newcastle to watch Maximo Park. Named after Maximo Gomez Park where Cuban Revolutionaries met, Park descend from Newcastle although the closest really is Paul Smith who was born in Billingham but they all apart from Smith studied in Newcastle so thats why they get the Geordie reference.
Anyway I've been meaning to see them for ages so the Arena it shall be Saturday night, good luck the Blues but also Good Luck to my kidneys!!

"Mon the Park"